Facilitating Coordination, Monitoring and Roll out of best practices/Innovations implemented in Local Government Authorities.
Mapping and updating regularly Development partners working in Health System Strengthening scope of work.
Support Po-RALG Data related to Health System Strengthening collection analysis and dissemination.
Support Po-RALG in terms of M&E performance of innovations/approaches implemented by different stakeholders in LGAs and advise accordingly.
In the spirit of PPP, work with development Partners in designing and implementing system improvement approaches.
Collect relevant information, materials, packages and tools used in various innovations for sharing among stake holders.
Bringing together similar innovation and harmonize their approaches and facilitate Roll out and dissemination of agreed innovation methods and tools to other LGAs.
To facilitate good governance, accountability and capacity building of RS and LGAs using already developed and tested packages.
Develop methods of tracking or surveillance on performance of Regional/District and Technical Teams RHMT/CHMT.
Conducting Impact Evaluation Studies in partnership with Development partners, Training, and Research Institutions.
Develop packages for training and how to bring in Zonal training centers of MOHCDGEC.
Develop methods of sourcing funds for Resource Center interventions.